
Zang Di

After completing his studies and PhD at Beijing University in 1997, ZANG DI started teaching Chinese literature at the same university. He took his first steps as a poet in the 1980s, during his university studies, and has made steady progress since then. He is considered a “leading poet-critic of his generation.” He also works

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Hu Xudong

XU HUDONG (胡续冬, Continuing Winter), pen name of HU Xudong (胡旭东, Sunrising East) (30 October 1974 – 22 August 2021), was a Chinese poet, critic, essayist and translator. He received an M.A. in Comparative Literature and Ph.D. in Chinese Contemporary Literature from Peking University, where he worked at the same university both as an associate

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Snow, I was surprised. The first snow choked in my throat, I wanted to cough, to run from snow. I didn’t see the street, the poplars, the park-benches the conductor’s whistle. Snow. Faces of idiots abused the air and turned to snow. I didn’t have a chance to read the “Massacre” or “The Dead” by

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